I know. You've taken Strengths Finder or Kolbe. Or was it DISC? Enneagram? Maybe it was the granddaddy of them all...Myers-Briggs!
Do you really need another personality profile? Does the WORLD need another assessment tool?!
Well, this one is different.
When you took those other assessments, how quickly were you able to put the information into action? Did they immediately reveal insights about the dynamics within your team? Did you have an A-HA moment?
How about one week later...could you even remember what your style was, let alone your boss's or coworker's?
The Six Types of Working Genius is more of a productivity tool than a personality test.
The Six Types of Working Genius from Patrick Lencioni and The Table Group is more of a productivity tool than a personality test.
It is fast, easy to remember, and immediately applicable.
This is because the Working Genius helps to identify what types of work activities bring you the most joy and energy, and which types drain you. And how to put that knowledge to work right away.
Now, don't treat work like a 4-letter word. We are not talking about your job only, but any type of project, whether it is planning a vacation, choosing the night's entertainment, or manufacturing shoes.
Everything you do can be thought of in the context of a project with activities, whether it's planning a vacation, choosing the night's entertainment, or manufacturing shoes.
All projects have three phases: Ideation, Activation, and Implementation. And within each of those phases, there are two different types of activities for a total of six activity types total. No matter how small the project, these six activities take place. They are:
W - Wonder
I - Invention
D - Discernment
G - Galvanizing
E - Enablement
T - Tenacity
WIDGET -- See? I told you it was easy to remember.
Different people are drawn to, find joy in, and get energized by different types of activities.
Have you ever found yourself deep in work for what seems like only a few minutes, but in reality hours have passed by? And at the same time, you felt like you could keep going for several more hours? That's a sign that you were working in your area of Genius!
Or on the flip side, it felt like hours, but in reality only 20 minutes had passed? And you were drained and needed to take break? That was when you were working in your areas of Frustration.
I'll talk more about each of these in upcoming articles, but for now, I want you to think about what could your team accomplish if everyone felt energized, focused, and highly productive every day?
What could your team accomplish if everyone felt energized, focused, and highly productive every day?